Profile Pictures4n7r0

sand_stretch2 (free)

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sand_stretch2 (free)

1 rating

Remake of dblue_stretch, with some stuff added in.

Download it from Github

Current version: v2.0.0

What does it do?

Stretches out audio, similar to how dblue_stretch does it.
But since everyone I know doesn't use it in that way (me included),
it also works as a sort of "glitch" machine.
It collects the input into the buffer and then outputs grains
with the given size, delayed by the given ratio.
Grains can be held in place, played in reverse, synced to a note duration, crossfaded,
or only grains where samples at the beginning and the end of it crossed 0 (zcrossed samples)

This plugin is not an exact 1:1 recreation of dblue_stretch and is not supposed to replace it.


Trigger: 	start collecting samples and simultaneously output grains 	

Hold: 	        hold current grain 	

Hold offset: 	offset currently held grain by amount of samples

Tempo: 	        use size in note lengths instead of samples 	

Reverse: 	play in reverse 	

Declick: 	smooth out the edges between the end of the current grain
                and start of the next one
                4 * (2 ^ declick) samples will be declicked

Grain: 	        size of a grain in samples 	

Note: 	        size of a grain in note duration 	

Ratio: 	        how much should the input be stretched out by

Subdivision: 	adjusts note duration

ZCross size: 	if set, grain gets offset to the closest zcrossed sample
                then it's size is the distance to the next zcrossed sample
                determined by the amount

ZCross offset: 	offsets grain to the next window of zcrossed samples

Crossfade: 	crossfades between grains

ZCross size, 
ZCross offset   only work when hold is on.
Hold offset

Declick     only works when not using crossfade

Grain       enabled when tempo is off

Note        enabled when tempo is on

Ratio       disabled when tempo and hold are on

Subdivision enabled when tempo and hold are on









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